The Rook
1994-09-04 |
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Martin Donovan plays John Abbott, a church investigator looking into a murder. The world is similar to England in the mid to late 1800s but with odd touches such as primitive computers etc. The sets are similar to Brazil, as is the look of a lot of the movie although much more reserved and somewhat more sinister. The movie revolves around a man, Abbott, who starts supremely self confident but eventually has to deal with his own failings and flaws.
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The Rook FAQ
The runtime of The Rook is 85 minutes.
The casts of The Rook are Martin Donovan starring as John Abbott.
The director of The Rook is Eran Palatnik.
Martin Donovan plays John Abbott, a church investigator looking into a murder. The world is similar to England in the mid to late 1800s but with odd touches such as primitive computers etc. The sets are similar to Brazil, as is the look of a lot of the movie although much more reserved and somewhat more sinister. The movie revolves around a man, Abbott, who starts supremely self confident but eventually has to deal with his own failings and flaws..
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Rook is 4.6/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
On October 04, 2024, there were 701 public reaction to The Rook including cocksure, cautionary tale, pernicious, seriously flawed, stoic.
The release date of The Rook is September 04, 1994.