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The Surrogate

1984-10-15 | Drama / Thriller
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Frank and Lee have marital problems: he's been impotent for 18 months, she alternates between sympathy and criticism. His temper gets the best of him, so he's seeing a psychotherapist who finds the anger and the impotence related. She recommends that Frank and Lee hire a mysterious European woman to lead them through fantasies intended to unlock passion and help them heal. At the same time this is going on, the police are investigating a series of stabbings: as corpses pile up, we wonder if Frank's temper may be behind this; or perhaps it's Eric, a cross-dressing neighbor and friend of Lee's; it may even be the European woman, who keeps popping up with new fantasies.

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The Surrogate FAQ

The release date of The Surrogate is October 15, 1984.
On October 04, 2024, there were 1560 public reaction to The Surrogate including poor casting, inept directing, sloppy writing, poor pace, poorly produced.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Surrogate is 4.6/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 5.0/10.
The certification of The Surrogate is R.
The genre of The Surrogate is Drama,Thriller,Crime,Horror.
Frank and Lee have marital problems: he's been impotent for 18 months, she alternates between sympathy and criticism. His temper gets the best of him, so he's seeing a psychotherapist who finds the anger and the impotence related. She recommends that Frank and Lee hire a mysterious European woman to lead them through fantasies intended to unlock passion and help them heal. At the same time this is going on, the police are investigating a series of stabbings: as corpses pile up, we wonder if Frank's temper may be behind this; or perhaps it's Eric, a cross-dressing neighbor and friend of Lee's; it may even be the European woman, who keeps popping up with new fantasies..
The casts of The Surrogate are Art Hindle starring as Frank Waite, Carole Laure starring as Anouk Van Derlin, Shannon Tweed starring as Lee Waite, Michael Ironside starring as George Kyber, Jim Bailey starring as Eric, Marilyn Lightstone starring as Dr. Foreman.
The director of The Surrogate is Don Carmody.