1994-01-02 | Drama
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This drama portrays a day in the life of a Palestinian family during a curfew announced by the Israeli army in a Palestinian refugee camp on the Gaza Strip in 1993. From that point on, they must live behind closed shutters, barred from their daily lives and needs.
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Curfew FAQ
The runtime of Curfew is 74 minutes.
The genre of Curfew is Drama.
On October 04, 2024, there were 614 public reaction to Curfew including well-informed character, thoughtful and intelligent, mindful, raising awareness, deft directing.
This drama portrays a day in the life of a Palestinian family during a curfew announced by the Israeli army in a Palestinian refugee camp on the Gaza Strip in 1993. From that point on, they must live behind closed shutters, barred from their daily lives and needs..
The release date of Curfew is January 02, 1994.
The director of Curfew is Rashid Masharawi.
The casts of Curfew are Salim Dau starring as , Na'ila Zayaad starring as , Mahmoud Qadah starring as .
The full version of Curfew is provided by
Tubi TV
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Curfew is 4.6/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.