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Fortunes of War

1994-12-07 | Action / Thriller
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When Canadian diplomat Carl Pimmler sends his friend Peter Kernan and his wife Johanna to deliver medicine to the deep jungles of Cambodia, but Peter gets more than he bargained for when the journey ends in a fight for survival. Peter must use his experience and knowledge of South East Asia to get them out of this dangerous mess.

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Fortunes of War FAQ

The runtime of Fortunes of War is 107 minutes.
The casts of Fortunes of War are Matt Salinger starring as Peter Kernan, Sam Sorbo starring as Johanna Pimmler, Martin Sheen starring as Francis Labeck, Michael Ironside starring as Carl Pimmler, Michael Nouri starring as Father Aran, John Getz starring as Franklin Hewitt.
The genre of Fortunes of War is Action,Thriller.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Fortunes of War is 4.8/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 3.0/10.
The certification of Fortunes of War is R.
When Canadian diplomat Carl Pimmler sends his friend Peter Kernan and his wife Johanna to deliver medicine to the deep jungles of Cambodia, but Peter gets more than he bargained for when the journey ends in a fight for survival. Peter must use his experience and knowledge of South East Asia to get them out of this dangerous mess..
The director of Fortunes of War is Thierry Notz.
On October 04, 2024, there were 2550 public reaction to Fortunes of War including poorly staged, totally inept, inept, inept producing, shambolic directing .