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Shadows in a Conflict
1993-09-10 | Drama
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Ana, a former member of the Basque terrorist group ETA who lives in a small village near the Portuguese border working as a veterinarian and sharing her days with her partner Darío and their daughter Amalia, meets José, an attractive man who participated in the dirty anti-terrorist war against ETA criminals who took refuge in France.
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Shadows in a Conflict FAQ
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Shadows in a Conflict is 6.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 5.0/10.
The release date of Shadows in a Conflict is September 10, 1993.
The director of Shadows in a Conflict is Mario Camus.
Ana, a former member of the Basque terrorist group ETA who lives in a small village near the Portuguese border working as a veterinarian and sharing her days with her partner Darío and their daughter Amalia, meets José, an attractive man who participated in the dirty anti-terrorist war against ETA criminals who took refuge in France..
The casts of Shadows in a Conflict are Carmen Maura starring as Ana, Joaquim de Almeida starring as José, Tito Valverde starring as Darío, Sonia Martín starring as Blanca, Ramón Langa starring as Fernando, Suzana Borges starring as Mujer de José.
The runtime of Shadows in a Conflict is 106 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, there were 2565 public reaction to Shadows in a Conflict including watching indispensably, reasonably faithful, professional directing, multiple interpretations, open for sequel.
The genre of Shadows in a Conflict is Drama.