U.S. Troops Landing at Daiquiri, Cuba
1898-08-01 |
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"The first U.S. Troops to land, June 22, 1898. Transports in the distance. Soldiers clamber up from boats onto the long railroad pier." - from the Edison Catalog
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“ Blander ”
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“ Rather Wooden Acting ”
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“ Lacerating ”
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“ Totally Uninteresting ”
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“ Inorganic Acting ”
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U.S. Troops Landing at Daiquiri, Cuba FAQ
The director of U.S. Troops Landing at Daiquiri, Cuba is William C. Paley.
The release date of U.S. Troops Landing at Daiquiri, Cuba is August 01, 1898.
The runtime of U.S. Troops Landing at Daiquiri, Cuba is 1 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of U.S. Troops Landing at Daiquiri, Cuba is 4.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 3.0/10.
"The first U.S. Troops to land, June 22, 1898. Transports in the distance. Soldiers clamber up from boats onto the long railroad pier." - from the Edison Catalog.
On October 04, 2024, there were 1114 public reaction to U.S. Troops Landing at Daiquiri, Cuba including blander, rather wooden acting, lacerating, totally uninteresting, inorganic acting.