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The Broken Violin

1908-05-23 |
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If a violin was actually broken here we don't get to see it. Sadly this is one of many Georges Melies films that are only available in a fragment. Hopefully one day a complete print will turn up but until then at least we have this. The film starts off in some sort of bakery as the boss starts giving orders and then a bit later we see a young man pull out a violin he has been hiding and start to play it. The film then flashes to another location but this is where it cuts off so I'm not certain where the story went from here.

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The Broken Violin FAQ

If a violin was actually broken here we don't get to see it. Sadly this is one of many Georges Melies films that are only available in a fragment. Hopefully one day a complete print will turn up but until then at least we have this. The film starts off in some sort of bakery as the boss starts giving orders and then a bit later we see a young man pull out a violin he has been hiding and start to play it. The film then flashes to another location but this is where it cuts off so I'm not certain where the story went from here..
The release date of The Broken Violin is May 23, 1908.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Broken Violin is 4.8/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 5.0/10.
On May 13, 2024, there were 1060 public reaction to The Broken Violin including made fool of themselves, endurance test, close scrutiny, terribly sad, least successful.
The runtime of The Broken Violin is 3 minutes.