The Secrets of Comfort House
2006-11-10 | Crime / Drama
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A multiple murder investigation in a small hunting town focuses on one suspect, Wendy Sinclair, who operates a battered women's shelter where each of the victims' wives have sought shelter.
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The Secrets of Comfort House FAQ
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Secrets of Comfort House is 4.7/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 5.0/10.
The director of The Secrets of Comfort House is Timothy Bond.
The genre of The Secrets of Comfort House is Crime,Drama,TV Movie.
The casts of The Secrets of Comfort House are Sheryl Lee starring as Wendy Brown, Jody Thompson starring as Missy, Yannick Bisson starring as Curtis, Jillian Fargey starring as Beth, John Novak starring as Sheriff "Bear" Trapp, John Tench starring as Carl.
A multiple murder investigation in a small hunting town focuses on one suspect, Wendy Sinclair, who operates a battered women's shelter where each of the victims' wives have sought shelter..
The full version of The Secrets of Comfort House is provided by
Lifetime Movie Club
The release date of The Secrets of Comfort House is November 10, 2006.
The runtime of The Secrets of Comfort House is 120 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, there were 390 public reaction to The Secrets of Comfort House including degraded, wrapped-up nicely, beaten, domineering character, venomous.