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Leftenan Adnan

2000-08-28 | War / History
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This is a film about a Malaysian soldier, Lt. Adnan, who gave his life in defending Malaya from the Japanese invasion during World War II. It exemplifies an example of the patriotic spirit that should be in every Malaysian. Lt. Adnan was a courageous individual who was willing to give everything, including his life, for the people and nation. He also succeeded in destroying the widely held myth that Malays were good only as rebels and pirates. He believed that no matter what, as a patriotic citizen, one had to fight until the last drop of blood to defend the nation.

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Leftenan Adnan FAQ

The director of Leftenan Adnan is Aziz M. Osman.
The release date of Leftenan Adnan is August 28, 2000.
On May 21, 2024, the IMDB rating of Leftenan Adnan is 6.8/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 8.0/10.
The runtime of Leftenan Adnan is 120 minutes.
The genre of Leftenan Adnan is War,History,Action.
This is a film about a Malaysian soldier, Lt. Adnan, who gave his life in defending Malaya from the Japanese invasion during World War II. It exemplifies an example of the patriotic spirit that should be in every Malaysian. Lt. Adnan was a courageous individual who was willing to give everything, including his life, for the people and nation. He also succeeded in destroying the widely held myth that Malays were good only as rebels and pirates. He believed that no matter what, as a patriotic citizen, one had to fight until the last drop of blood to defend the nation..
On May 21, 2024, there were 1093 public reaction to Leftenan Adnan including didactic, Aerial Combat, jingoistic, historical point of view, loud applause.