Kann ja noch kommen
2012-12-16 | Drama
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All that is missing is one last signature and everyone wants to get this meeting over as quickly as possible - the mother, the new parents, the woman from the adoption office. But there is one unknown factor, and that's Mirko, the father of the baby who has never seen his child.
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Kann ja noch kommen FAQ
All that is missing is one last signature and everyone wants to get this meeting over as quickly as possible - the mother, the new parents, the woman from the adoption office. But there is one unknown factor, and that's Mirko, the father of the baby who has never seen his child..
On October 04, 2024, there were 1351 public reaction to Kann ja noch kommen including like The Last Picture Show, lucked out character, close scrutiny, disagreeable, deeply unpleasant.
The runtime of Kann ja noch kommen is 15 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Kann ja noch kommen is 6.4/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.
The release date of Kann ja noch kommen is December 16, 2012.
The genre of Kann ja noch kommen is Drama.
The director of Kann ja noch kommen is Philipp Döring.
The casts of Kann ja noch kommen are Max Mauff starring as Mirko, Henrike von Kuick starring as Nadja, Christian Erdmann starring as Klaus, Rebecca Klingenberg starring as Andrea, Christina Geiße starring as Frau Denker.