Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War
1999-12-30 | Documentary / History
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Crucible of Empire demonstrates how and why the Spanish-American War constitutes such an important milestone in U.S. history. This program examines the events and attitudes that led to war, followed by an exploration of the conflict and its outcome. Early film footage and stills of battle scenes, plus rich visuals, a compelling story, and intriguing analogies to current foreign policy make Crucible of Empire a riveting documentary.
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Top 20 Movies Similar to Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War
Movies Similar to Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War
“ Jingoistic ”
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“ Gung-Ho ”
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“ With Mercenaries ”
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“ Like A History Lesson ”
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“ Shoddy Camera Work ”
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Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War FAQ
On October 04, 2024, there were 1724 public reaction to Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War including jingoistic, gung-ho, with mercenaries, like a history lesson, shoddy camera work.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War is 7.3/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The release date of Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War is December 30, 1999.
The certification of Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War is G.
The director of Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War is Daniel A. Miller.
The runtime of Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War is 120 minutes.
Crucible of Empire demonstrates how and why the Spanish-American War constitutes such an important milestone in U.S. history. This program examines the events and attitudes that led to war, followed by an exploration of the conflict and its outcome. Early film footage and stills of battle scenes, plus rich visuals, a compelling story, and intriguing analogies to current foreign policy make Crucible of Empire a riveting documentary..
The genre of Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War is Documentary,History.