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1998-10-01 | Comedy / Thriller
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Nemanja leads a normal life with a steady job and a fiancée, until he is waylaid by a sudden downpour in a seedy hotel called The Wheel. The hotel is populated by seemingly upstanding citizens, until Nemanya is accused of being the notorious Laughing Monster, a serial killer who has been terrorizing the neighborhood.

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Wheels FAQ

The genre of Wheels is Comedy,Thriller,Drama.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Wheels is 7.5/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 7.0/10.
Nemanja leads a normal life with a steady job and a fiancée, until he is waylaid by a sudden downpour in a seedy hotel called The Wheel. The hotel is populated by seemingly upstanding citizens, until Nemanya is accused of being the notorious Laughing Monster, a serial killer who has been terrorizing the neighborhood..
The runtime of Wheels is 92 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, there were 2345 public reaction to Wheels including diabolical, like The Hateful Eight, with biblical reference, nightmarish quality, shady character.
The director of Wheels is Đorđe Milosavljević.
The release date of Wheels is October 01, 1998.