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The Egg-Yegg

1944-12-07 | Animation
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Plot based (loosely)on World-War II orphaned-children from Europe who had been adopted by American citizens and given home in the United States; Crow receives two "war orphan" eggs, which the Fox, a collector of rare eggs, is after, and finally gets them after outwitting the crow, a rare turn of events in this cartoon series. But the eggs hatch two huge ostrich-like birds who think the Fox is their father. The Fox has no intentions of being a father to two birds larger than he.

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The Egg-Yegg FAQ

The runtime of The Egg-Yegg is 7 minutes.
The genre of The Egg-Yegg is Animation.
The release date of The Egg-Yegg is December 07, 1944.
The director of The Egg-Yegg is Bob Wickersham.
On May 13, 2024, there were 551 public reaction to The Egg-Yegg including unhappy, lonely character, discontent character, heart grabbing, maladjusted character.
Plot based (loosely)on World-War II orphaned-children from Europe who had been adopted by American citizens and given home in the United States; Crow receives two "war orphan" eggs, which the Fox, a collector of rare eggs, is after, and finally gets them after outwitting the crow, a rare turn of events in this cartoon series. But the eggs hatch two huge ostrich-like birds who think the Fox is their father. The Fox has no intentions of being a father to two birds larger than he..