A Causa Secreta
1994-09-14 | Drama
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Theater director asks his actors for a research on human cruelty and misery in Brazil, while trying to raise funds for his next production, a play based on a story by Machado de Assis, "A Causa Secreta" (The Secret Cause). The troupe oblige and go around town witnessing long lines in National Health Services, inhuman conditions in public hospitals and poor people being constantly humiliated. They find people are becoming indifferent to human suffering.
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A Causa Secreta FAQ
The genre of A Causa Secreta is Drama.
Theater director asks his actors for a research on human cruelty and misery in Brazil, while trying to raise funds for his next production, a play based on a story by Machado de Assis, "A Causa Secreta" (The Secret Cause). The troupe oblige and go around town witnessing long lines in National Health Services, inhuman conditions in public hospitals and poor people being constantly humiliated. They find people are becoming indifferent to human suffering..
The runtime of A Causa Secreta is 94 minutes.
The casts of A Causa Secreta are Rodrigo Santiago starring as , Esther Góes starring as , Lígia Cortez starring as , José Rubens Chachá starring as , Renato Borghi starring as , Cláudia Mello starring as .
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of A Causa Secreta is 6.9/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The director of A Causa Secreta is Sérgio Bianchi.
The release date of A Causa Secreta is September 14, 1994.
On October 04, 2024, there were 2041 public reaction to A Causa Secreta including improvisational style, ad lib, with biblical reference, great story, dark underbelly.