Calamity Jane
1984-03-06 | Western / TV Movie
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An exploration of the myths surrounding the colorful Western heroine and both the legendary Wild Bill Hickock, with whom she had an unorthodox courtship, and the flamboyant Buffalo Bill Cody, between the 1870s and the turn of the century.
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Calamity Jane FAQ
An exploration of the myths surrounding the colorful Western heroine and both the legendary Wild Bill Hickock, with whom she had an unorthodox courtship, and the flamboyant Buffalo Bill Cody, between the 1870s and the turn of the century..
On October 04, 2024, there were 1251 public reaction to Calamity Jane including frothing at mouth, onerous, exacting, manly, machismo.
The release date of Calamity Jane is March 06, 1984.
The casts of Calamity Jane are Jane Alexander starring as Calamity Jane, Frederic Forrest starring as Wild Bill Hickok, Ken Kercheval starring as Buffalo Bill, Talia Balsam starring as Jane Irene O'Neill, David Hemmings starring as Captain James O'Neill, Walter Scott starring as Charlie Burke.
The director of Calamity Jane is James Goldstone.
The runtime of Calamity Jane is 100 minutes.
The genre of Calamity Jane is Western,TV Movie.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Calamity Jane is 6.4/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 7.0/10.