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Look Ahead with Anger

1993-04-04 | Drama
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After the revolution of December 1989, Romania is in full transition. Incertainty and chaos have followed Ceausescu's downfall. Fane, a worker in a wharf on the river Danube, is a former dissident who was in involved in politically motivated uprisings. Now that he has achieved what he has fought for, he is unemployed and everything around him seems to fall to pieces. His whole family falls victim to the changes of the early 90s. His daughter prostitutes herself, his elder son ends up in prison and his younger son becomes a thief.

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Look Ahead with Anger FAQ

After the revolution of December 1989, Romania is in full transition. Incertainty and chaos have followed Ceausescu's downfall. Fane, a worker in a wharf on the river Danube, is a former dissident who was in involved in politically motivated uprisings. Now that he has achieved what he has fought for, he is unemployed and everything around him seems to fall to pieces. His whole family falls victim to the changes of the early 90s. His daughter prostitutes herself, his elder son ends up in prison and his younger son becomes a thief..
The director of Look Ahead with Anger is Nicolae Mărgineanu.
The genre of Look Ahead with Anger is Drama.
The runtime of Look Ahead with Anger is 81 minutes.
The release date of Look Ahead with Anger is April 04, 1993.
On April 29, 2024, the IMDB rating of Look Ahead with Anger is 7.3/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 7.0/10.
On April 29, 2024, there were 1519 public reaction to Look Ahead with Anger including neo-realism, Aerial Combat, bloodsoaked, Spaghetti Western, pulling punches.