Watch Your Step
1984-01-10 | Comedy / Drama
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Last school days of one graduating generation. They should say goodbye to a part of life, part from their friends, and there is also uncertainty, hope, plans, wild love "for the rest of the life", and parents with their ambitions, and it would be all incomplete, if not for professors who are slowly losing their authority. Senior prom is the central place for serious and funny events in which parents, professors and pupils are involved.
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Watch Your Step FAQ
The runtime of Watch Your Step is 105 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, there were 717 public reaction to Watch Your Step including overweight character, nerdy, asthmatic, staying till the end, child-friendly.
The release date of Watch Your Step is January 10, 1984.
The genre of Watch Your Step is Comedy,Drama.
The casts of Watch Your Step are Dragomir Bojanic-Gidra starring as Nedeljković, Ljubiša Samardžić starring as Profesor Plavšić, Olivera Ježina starring as Mirjana, Vladan Savić starring as Nikola, Milan Štrljić starring as Profesor Nikolić, Maja Sabljić starring as Jelena.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Watch Your Step is 6.4/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.
The director of Watch Your Step is Milan Jelić.
Last school days of one graduating generation. They should say goodbye to a part of life, part from their friends, and there is also uncertainty, hope, plans, wild love "for the rest of the life", and parents with their ambitions, and it would be all incomplete, if not for professors who are slowly losing their authority. Senior prom is the central place for serious and funny events in which parents, professors and pupils are involved..