1973-10-26 | Music / Comedy
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One condition prevents young Leena (Leena Chandravarkar) from receiving her inheritance: She's unwed -- and until she marries, her uncle won't relinquish her legacy. When the frustrated Leena meets jobless Sanjeev (Sanjeev Kumar), the duo concocts a quid-pro-quo scheme: For a sum, Sanjeev will temporarily pose as her spouse. But once Leena has her fortune in hand, she's ready for "hubby" to make tracks.
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Manchali FAQ
The director of Manchali is Raja Nawathe.
The runtime of Manchali is 131 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Manchali is 6.5/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.
The release date of Manchali is October 26, 1973.
The genre of Manchali is Music,Comedy,Romance.
The casts of Manchali are Sanjeev Kumar starring as Sushil Kumar, Leena Chandavarkar starring as Leena, Nirupa Roy starring as Chachi.
On October 04, 2024, there were 2623 public reaction to Manchali including cash grab, melodious song, melodious music, rambling dialogue, precise directing.
One condition prevents young Leena (Leena Chandravarkar) from receiving her inheritance: She's unwed -- and until she marries, her uncle won't relinquish her legacy. When the frustrated Leena meets jobless Sanjeev (Sanjeev Kumar), the duo concocts a quid-pro-quo scheme: For a sum, Sanjeev will temporarily pose as her spouse. But once Leena has her fortune in hand, she's ready for "hubby" to make tracks..