The Fossil
1975-10-04 | Drama
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An industrialist is diagnosed with terminal cancer. He is on a trip to Europe at the time, and a glimpse of a Japanese woman in that setting causes him to fantasize about her as the personification of his impending death. As his dialogue with his imagined mortality continues, he actually meets the living woman who is the template for his fantasy, and together they tour rural churches. Gradually he comes to some kind of peace about the diagnosis. When he returns to Japan, he is met with a series of challenges which profoundly test the lessons he has learned.
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The Fossil FAQ
The release date of The Fossil is October 04, 1975.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Fossil is 7.4/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.
The genre of The Fossil is Drama.
An industrialist is diagnosed with terminal cancer. He is on a trip to Europe at the time, and a glimpse of a Japanese woman in that setting causes him to fantasize about her as the personification of his impending death. As his dialogue with his imagined mortality continues, he actually meets the living woman who is the template for his fantasy, and together they tour rural churches. Gradually he comes to some kind of peace about the diagnosis. When he returns to Japan, he is met with a series of challenges which profoundly test the lessons he has learned..
The director of The Fossil is Masaki Kobayashi.
On October 04, 2024, there were 1409 public reaction to The Fossil including captivating ending, like Knives Out, monotone voice, cruel twist, sense of familiarity.
The runtime of The Fossil is 200 minutes.
The casts of The Fossil are Shin Saburi starring as Tajihei Itsuki, Keiko Kishi starring as Madame Marcelin, Gō Katō starring as Narrator, Hisashi Igawa starring as Funazu, Mayumi Ogawa starring as Akiko Itsuki, Komaki Kurihara starring as Kiyoko Itsuki.