Sedona's Rule
2010-11-01 |
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Nicolas falls in love with Sedona, and he thinks she's the woman of his dreams. Sedona is way out of his league and has one condition. She requires a free pass every month to cheat on him. Being the hopeless romantic, Nicolas attempts to make her happy, and gives in to her demand. Their relationship becomes a roller coaster of great sexual highs, and dismal depressive lows. Neither of them realizes that their truly unique and dramatic arrangement has caught the attention of a watcher. This person is a serious voyeur, and is now filming their every move, with the intention of creating the perfect tragic ending. Nicolas must find the courage to stop the watcher, save Sedona, and maybe even grow a backbone.
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Sedona's Rule FAQ
The release date of Sedona's Rule is November 01, 2010.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Sedona's Rule is 5.1/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 8.0/10.
The full version of Sedona's Rule is provided by
Tubi TV
Nicolas falls in love with Sedona, and he thinks she's the woman of his dreams. Sedona is way out of his league and has one condition. She requires a free pass every month to cheat on him. Being the hopeless romantic, Nicolas attempts to make her happy, and gives in to her demand. Their relationship becomes a roller coaster of great sexual highs, and dismal depressive lows. Neither of them realizes that their truly unique and dramatic arrangement has caught the attention of a watcher. This person is a serious voyeur, and is now filming their every move, with the intention of creating the perfect tragic ending. Nicolas must find the courage to stop the watcher, save Sedona, and maybe even grow a backbone..
On October 04, 2024, there were 685 public reaction to Sedona's Rule including crackhead, nailbiter, puppy love, like The Godfather, chef-d'oeuvre.