Edward Lee's the Bighead
2013-09-23 | Horror
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Based on Edward Lee’s seminal and wildly controversial 2003 novel, “EDWARD LEE’S THE BIGHEAD” directed by Michael Ling is set in the West Virginian backwoods where vicious monsters, both human and supernatural, go on a terrifying rampage in search of a special young woman. Their path of destruction uncovers long held secrets and puts the fate of the entire world in jeopardy.
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Top 20 Movies Similar to Edward Lee's the Bighead
Movies Similar to Edward Lee's the Bighead
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Edward Lee's the Bighead FAQ
The release date of Edward Lee's the Bighead is September 23, 2013.
The runtime of Edward Lee's the Bighead is 24 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Edward Lee's the Bighead is 6.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 5.0/10.
The genre of Edward Lee's the Bighead is Horror.
The revenue of Edward Lee's the Bighead was 100,000 USD.
The production budget of Edward Lee's the Bighead was 45,000 USD.
The director of Edward Lee's the Bighead is Michael Ling.
The casts of Edward Lee's the Bighead are Orson Chaplin starring as Tritt "Balls" Conner, Cheetah Platt starring as The Bighead, P. David Miller starring as Frank, the Bartender, Ashley Totin starring as Rosie, Michael Coons starring as Father Tom Alexander, Carrie Malabre starring as Charity Wells.
Based on Edward Lee’s seminal and wildly controversial 2003 novel, “EDWARD LEE’S THE BIGHEAD” directed by Michael Ling is set in the West Virginian backwoods where vicious monsters, both human and supernatural, go on a terrifying rampage in search of a special young woman. Their path of destruction uncovers long held secrets and puts the fate of the entire world in jeopardy..
On October 04, 2024, there were 1739 public reaction to Edward Lee's the Bighead including grisly image, not for the faint-hearted, faithful to book, grossest, reasonably faithful.