2011-09-04 | Drama
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A depressed actress battling suicidal thoughts is visited by choice incarnate and given a simple yet timeless ultimatum, live or die. "Choice" is an inspirational film meant to remind people that even though there are no guarantees in life, its still worth the risk.
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Choice FAQ
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Choice is 6.8/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 5.0/10.
The runtime of Choice is 15 minutes.
The release date of Choice is September 04, 2011.
A depressed actress battling suicidal thoughts is visited by choice incarnate and given a simple yet timeless ultimatum, live or die. "Choice" is an inspirational film meant to remind people that even though there are no guarantees in life, its still worth the risk..
The director of Choice is Chris R. Notarile.
The genre of Choice is Drama.
The certification of Choice is NR.
On October 04, 2024, there were 3704 public reaction to Choice including low-key approach, proof positive, lovecraftian, like The Final Girls, didactic.
The casts of Choice are Mandy Evans starring as Choice, Kerri Lynn Miller starring as Actress, Chris R. Notarile starring as George (voice).