Red Luck
2014-04-07 |
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Anonymous notes, a jump rope, an overgrown yard, a crumpled piece of tinfoil, a baseball bat and a drill guide a group of individuals towards violence, sexual perversion and an inevitable encounter with Red Luck.
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Ranked #39,227 / 52,462 Movies
Ranked #41,313 / 53,733 Movies
Ranked #43,629 / 58,420 Movies
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“ Masochistic Character ”
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“ Desperately Hoping ”
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“ Wobbly Camera Work ”
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“ With Connective Tissue ”
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“ Soul-Crushing ”
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Red Luck FAQ
The runtime of Red Luck is 26 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Red Luck is 8.6/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 10.0/10.
On October 04, 2024, there were 403 public reaction to Red Luck including masochistic character, desperately hoping, wobbly camera work, with connective tissue, soul-crushing.
Anonymous notes, a jump rope, an overgrown yard, a crumpled piece of tinfoil, a baseball bat and a drill guide a group of individuals towards violence, sexual perversion and an inevitable encounter with Red Luck..
The casts of Red Luck are Mike Olenick starring as Red Luck, Mike Olenick starring as The Photographer, Mike Olenick starring as Male Victim, Jennifer Reeder starring as (Voice).
The release date of Red Luck is April 07, 2014.
The director of Red Luck is Mike Olenick.