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Nobody Said Anything
1971-01-01 | Comedy
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Four drunken literary bohemians write a short story about a pact with the Devil just as that very story is happening to them.
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“ Non-Professional Cast ”
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“ Decadent ”
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“ Biased View ”
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“ Obtuse ”
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“ Like Fahrenheit 9/11 ”
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Nobody Said Anything FAQ
The runtime of Nobody Said Anything is 135 minutes.
The release date of Nobody Said Anything is January 01, 1971.
The genre of Nobody Said Anything is Comedy.
On October 04, 2024, there were 852 public reaction to Nobody Said Anything including non-professional cast, decadent, biased view, obtuse, like Fahrenheit 9/11.
Four drunken literary bohemians write a short story about a pact with the Devil just as that very story is happening to them..
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Nobody Said Anything is 6.6/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.
The director of Nobody Said Anything is Raúl Ruiz.
The casts of Nobody Said Anything are Carlos Solanos starring as , Jaime Vadell starring as , Luis Vilches starring as , Luis Alarcón starring as Poeta, Nelson Villagra starring as El Diablo, Shenda Román starring as Postisa.