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1972-01-01 |
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Rai Bahadur Kishandas, due to his weakness for alcohol and women drives his wife and children out of the house. Suddenly, his fortune takes a turn and he is reduced to the state of a beggar. While his wife Laxmi raises their two kids against all odds, the two children being Gauri and Rajoo. Rajoo, who later becomes a tangewala. Oneday, Laxmi feels a sudden urge to see her husband, so the of a pretext of a pilgrimage goes to meet him. But, to her despair, she doesn't find him there. On the other hand Rajoo and Gauri gives an old beggar refuge in their house, not knowing that he is their father in real life.

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Negative 92%

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Tangewala FAQ

On April 29, 2024, the IMDB rating of Tangewala is 5.5/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
Rai Bahadur Kishandas, due to his weakness for alcohol and women drives his wife and children out of the house. Suddenly, his fortune takes a turn and he is reduced to the state of a beggar. While his wife Laxmi raises their two kids against all odds, the two children being Gauri and Rajoo. Rajoo, who later becomes a tangewala. Oneday, Laxmi feels a sudden urge to see her husband, so the of a pretext of a pilgrimage goes to meet him. But, to her despair, she doesn't find him there. On the other hand Rajoo and Gauri gives an old beggar refuge in their house, not knowing that he is their father in real life..
On April 29, 2024, there were 684 public reaction to Tangewala including debased, kind of suck, whack job, sex crazy, degenerate.