The Pride of the Force
1933-01-01 | Comedy
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This lively comedy of 1933 provided an early film role for Leslie Fuller, and sees the wildly popular, rubber-faced actor and entertainer – once touted as Elstree's own Clark Gable – playing identical twins with very different ambitions: one is a policeman who longs to join a circus, the other a farm hand who wants to be a policeman!
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The Pride of the Force FAQ
The runtime of The Pride of the Force is 75 minutes.
This lively comedy of 1933 provided an early film role for Leslie Fuller, and sees the wildly popular, rubber-faced actor and entertainer – once touted as Elstree's own Clark Gable – playing identical twins with very different ambitions: one is a policeman who longs to join a circus, the other a farm hand who wants to be a policeman!.
The director of The Pride of the Force is Norman Lee.
On October 04, 2024, there were 330 public reaction to The Pride of the Force including carny ride, freak show, madcap comedy, beautifully illustrated, Cirque Du Soleil like.
The genre of The Pride of the Force is Comedy.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Pride of the Force is 6.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The casts of The Pride of the Force are Leslie Fuller starring as Bill / Bob Porter, Nan Bates starring as Sheila, Patrick Aherne starring as Max Heinrich, Alf Goddard starring as Sergeant Brown, Hal Gordon starring as Dick Smith, Faith Bennett starring as Peggy Ramsbottom.
The release date of The Pride of the Force is January 01, 1933.