Michael Landon, the Father I Knew
1999-05-23 | Drama
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An intimate move of the star from Little House on the Prairie, Bonanza, Highway to Heaven-Michael Landon and his son, Michael Landon Jr's portayal of the star's divorce and the break-up of the family and the healing of wounds that only God can provide.
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Michael Landon, the Father I Knew FAQ
An intimate move of the star from Little House on the Prairie, Bonanza, Highway to Heaven-Michael Landon and his son, Michael Landon Jr's portayal of the star's divorce and the break-up of the family and the healing of wounds that only God can provide..
On October 04, 2024, there were 3760 public reaction to Michael Landon, the Father I Knew including mischievous, hoary, poor photography, poor shooting, innocent man.
The casts of Michael Landon, the Father I Knew are John Schneider starring as Michael Landon, Cheryl Ladd starring as Lynn Noe Landon, Joe Berti starring as Michael Landon Jr., Sarah Lancaster starring as Leslie Landon, J. Kenneth Campbell starring as Andy Glennon, Julie Condra starring as Cindy Landon.
The director of Michael Landon, the Father I Knew is Michael Landon Jr..
The release date of Michael Landon, the Father I Knew is May 23, 1999.
The runtime of Michael Landon, the Father I Knew is 120 minutes.
The genre of Michael Landon, the Father I Knew is Drama.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Michael Landon, the Father I Knew is 5.8/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 4.0/10.