Image of Death
1978-01-01 | Drama / Thriller
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Image of Death is a 1978 Australian TV movie about a woman who likes to live off other people's money.
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Ranked #40,038 / 47,621 Movies
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“ Time Waster ”
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“ Faithful Recreation ”
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“ Nailbiter ”
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Image of Death FAQ
The release date of Image of Death is January 01, 1978.
The genre of Image of Death is Drama,Thriller,TV Movie.
The director of Image of Death is Kevin James Dobson.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Image of Death is 4.8/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 4.0/10.
The casts of Image of Death are Cathey Paine starring as Yvonne Arthur, Penne Hackforth-Jones starring as Maureen, Cheryl Waters starring as Barbara Shields, Sheila Helpmann starring as Lidia, Barry Creyton starring as TV Producer, Tony Bonner starring as Carl.
Image of Death is a 1978 Australian TV movie about a woman who likes to live off other people's money..
On October 04, 2024, there were 720 public reaction to Image of Death including time waster, bludgeoned to death, lucky character, faithful recreation, nailbiter.
The runtime of Image of Death is 81 minutes.