12 Kilometers
2016-04-16 | Thriller / Horror
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Set against a backdrop of 1980s Russia, a team of scientists and their drill crew have dug the deepest hole known to man. Dredged from the abyss is an entity that brings them face to face with their most terrifying fears.
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12 Kilometers FAQ
The genre of 12 Kilometers is Thriller,Horror.
The director of 12 Kilometers is Mike Pecci.
On October 04, 2024, there were 5391 public reaction to 12 Kilometers including lovecraftian, Cosmic Horror, murky, proof positive, Slasher Film.
The production budget of 12 Kilometers was 30 USD.
The casts of 12 Kilometers are Ara Woland starring as Eduard, Lance A. Williams starring as Shadow Figure, Ernst Zorin starring as Professor Mihailov, Pavel Shatu starring as Danil, Lana Orlova starring as Annushka, Gene Ravvin starring as Main Drill Worker.
The runtime of 12 Kilometers is 28 minutes.
Set against a backdrop of 1980s Russia, a team of scientists and their drill crew have dug the deepest hole known to man. Dredged from the abyss is an entity that brings them face to face with their most terrifying fears..
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of 12 Kilometers is 7.5/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 7.0/10.
The release date of 12 Kilometers is April 16, 2016.