The Bohemian Life
1945-10-17 | Drama
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Four young friends share the carefree, cheerfulness, laughter and dances of Bohemian life. Rodolphe the painter, Alexandre Chaunard the composer, Colline the philosopher, as well as Marcel and his friend Musette. Mimi, a romantic young girl, falls in love with Rodolphe.
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“ Cogent Narrative ”
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“ Deeply Disappointing ”
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“ Terribly Disappointing ”
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“ Troubled Production ”
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“ Completely Disappointing ”
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The Bohemian Life FAQ
The casts of The Bohemian Life are Maria Denis starring as Mimi, Louis Jourdan starring as Rodolphe, Gisèle Pascal starring as Musette, Alfred Adam starring as Alexandre Schaunard, Louis Salou starring as Colline, André Roussin starring as Marcel.
The director of The Bohemian Life is Marcel L'Herbier.
The release date of The Bohemian Life is October 17, 1945.
Four young friends share the carefree, cheerfulness, laughter and dances of Bohemian life. Rodolphe the painter, Alexandre Chaunard the composer, Colline the philosopher, as well as Marcel and his friend Musette. Mimi, a romantic young girl, falls in love with Rodolphe..
The runtime of The Bohemian Life is 90 minutes.
The genre of The Bohemian Life is Drama.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Bohemian Life is 6.3/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 7.0/10.
On October 04, 2024, there were 844 public reaction to The Bohemian Life including cogent narrative, deeply disappointing, terribly disappointing, troubled production, completely disappointing.