Der Rosenkavalier
1994-01-01 | Music
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Felicity Lott, Anne-Sofie Von Otter, and Kurt Moll star in this production of Richard Strauss' opera, staged in Vienna in 1994. A romantic comedy of errors. Princess von Werdenberg must hide her affair with Octavian from her family; when he disguises himself as a chambermaid to avoid scandalizing the Princess, he is pressed into presenting a gift to Baron Ochs von Lerchenau, who has arrived to propose marriage to Sophie von Faninal. However, Ochs soon finds himself infatuated with the chambermaid, much to Octavian's chagrin, which proves to be only the first of a long series of romantic misunderstandings. This production of Der Rosenkavalier is performed by the Vienna State Orchestra and Chorus, under the direction of Carlos Kleiber.
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Der Rosenkavalier FAQ
The genre of Der Rosenkavalier is Music.
The release date of Der Rosenkavalier is January 01, 1994.
The casts of Der Rosenkavalier are Carlos Kleiber starring as Conductor, Felicity Lott starring as Die Feldmarschallin, Kurt Moll starring as Der Baron Ochs Auf Lerchenau, Anne Sofie von Otter starring as Octavian, Gottfried Hornik starring as Faninal, Barbara Bonney starring as Sophie.
Felicity Lott, Anne-Sofie Von Otter, and Kurt Moll star in this production of Richard Strauss' opera, staged in Vienna in 1994. A romantic comedy of errors. Princess von Werdenberg must hide her affair with Octavian from her family; when he disguises himself as a chambermaid to avoid scandalizing the Princess, he is pressed into presenting a gift to Baron Ochs von Lerchenau, who has arrived to propose marriage to Sophie von Faninal. However, Ochs soon finds himself infatuated with the chambermaid, much to Octavian's chagrin, which proves to be only the first of a long series of romantic misunderstandings. This production of Der Rosenkavalier is performed by the Vienna State Orchestra and Chorus, under the direction of Carlos Kleiber..
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Der Rosenkavalier is 8.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The director of Der Rosenkavalier is Horant H. Hohlfeld.
On October 04, 2024, there were 1853 public reaction to Der Rosenkavalier including stiff acting, resonant vocal, decadent, like Chef, plush.