I Believe in America
2007-07-02 | Drama
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Three generations of one family, all involved at different levels with the Puerto Rican underground movement for independence, struggle with their need for identity and their need for a peaceful life, as the dying revolutionary movement struggles with new ideas and old ideals.
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I Believe in America FAQ
The director of I Believe in America is Michael J. Narváez.
On October 04, 2024, there were 2392 public reaction to I Believe in America including pernicious, nearly unbearable, deeply disappointing, real letdown, sadly disappointing.
The release date of I Believe in America is July 02, 2007.
Three generations of one family, all involved at different levels with the Puerto Rican underground movement for independence, struggle with their need for identity and their need for a peaceful life, as the dying revolutionary movement struggles with new ideas and old ideals..
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of I Believe in America is 5.5/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The runtime of I Believe in America is 101 minutes.
The casts of I Believe in America are Jamie Harris starring as Reynaldo, Melissa Leo starring as Soto, Coati Mundi starring as Pedro, Roger Guenveur Smith starring as Cesar, Jaime Tirelli starring as Popo, Ann Dowd starring as Glenn.
The genre of I Believe in America is Drama.