Lilac Blossoms for the Second Time
1988-09-11 | Drama
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Dana, a young teacher, loses her husband in a car accident. Her four year old son misses a father a lot. Dragoș appears in their lives to fill the void.
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“ Opaque ”
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“ With Epiphany Moments ”
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“ Harridan ”
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“ Flashback Sequence ”
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“ Somewhat Ambiguous Ending ”
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Lilac Blossoms for the Second Time FAQ
Dana, a young teacher, loses her husband in a car accident. Her four year old son misses a father a lot. Dragoș appears in their lives to fill the void..
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Lilac Blossoms for the Second Time is 4.7/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.
The casts of Lilac Blossoms for the Second Time are Emilia Popescu starring as Dana, Adrian Titieni starring as Dragoș, Ion Besoiu starring as Grandpa, Mihai Bisericanu starring as Mihai, Mircea Bucur starring as Fănuș, Paul Chiribuță starring as Paul.
The director of Lilac Blossoms for the Second Time is Cristina Nichituș-Mihăilescu.
On October 04, 2024, there were 798 public reaction to Lilac Blossoms for the Second Time including opaque, with epiphany moments, harridan, flashback sequence, somewhat ambiguous ending.
The genre of Lilac Blossoms for the Second Time is Drama.
The runtime of Lilac Blossoms for the Second Time is 80 minutes.
The release date of Lilac Blossoms for the Second Time is September 11, 1988.