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Everything Comes to Him Who Waits
1912-02-21 | Comedy
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Cud McGiven applies for employment in a Bowery restaurant. The restaurant is conducted by a German, who engages Cud. Whenever Cud finds himself alone in the pantry he exercises his mania for juggling plates with disastrous results to the crockery. Every time the proprietor bears a crash he is Johnny-on-the-spot and takes out his little book to jot down the damage and charge it to Cud. At last the proprietor loses all patience and decides to discharge Cud. Accordingly he summons him to his private office and demands a settlement of the broken dishes and spoiled food. Cud is unable to see the situation this way at all. The disagreement waxes hot and furious and Cud in revenge breaks all the dishes in the pantry. The riot brings the frightened guests to their feet, where they stand spellbound at seeing a half of the waiters flee before the burly Cud, who is flinging plates after them with the accuracy of a baseball pitcher.
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“ Stretched To Breaking Point ”
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Everything Comes to Him Who Waits FAQ
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Everything Comes to Him Who Waits is 3.9/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 4.0/10.
The runtime of Everything Comes to Him Who Waits is 8 minutes.
The certification of Everything Comes to Him Who Waits is NR.
The director of Everything Comes to Him Who Waits is C.J. Williams.
The genre of Everything Comes to Him Who Waits is Comedy.
The release date of Everything Comes to Him Who Waits is February 21, 1912.
Cud McGiven applies for employment in a Bowery restaurant. The restaurant is conducted by a German, who engages Cud. Whenever Cud finds himself alone in the pantry he exercises his mania for juggling plates with disastrous results to the crockery. Every time the proprietor bears a crash he is Johnny-on-the-spot and takes out his little book to jot down the damage and charge it to Cud. At last the proprietor loses all patience and decides to discharge Cud. Accordingly he summons him to his private office and demands a settlement of the broken dishes and spoiled food. Cud is unable to see the situation this way at all. The disagreement waxes hot and furious and Cud in revenge breaks all the dishes in the pantry. The riot brings the frightened guests to their feet, where they stand spellbound at seeing a half of the waiters flee before the burly Cud, who is flinging plates after them with the accuracy of a baseball pitcher..
On October 04, 2024, there were 435 public reaction to Everything Comes to Him Who Waits including universal cast, hard-nosed, stretched imagination, stretched to breaking point, fresh spin.
The casts of Everything Comes to Him Who Waits are William Wadsworth starring as The German Restaurant Owner, Charles Ogle starring as Cud McGiven - the Waiter, Yale Benner starring as Waiter, Edward O’Connor starring as Waiter, Edward Boulden starring as Waiter, Julian Reed starring as Waiter.