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Miami Shakedown

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This original story begins as multi-millionaire Alfred Stein is kept awash in liquor and bimbo as he bets over his head...not with it. He refuses to pay his tab of a million dollars to the criminal casino. He is soon shocked to discover Vivian, his bratty, tennis-playing teen daughter has been kidnapped by a smooth-of-skill but slight-of-bod professional, criminal-for-hire Caroline Horner. Alfred suddenly realizes how much his neglected daughter now means to him and makes a typically shrewd decision attesting to his ability to amass millions, and readily agrees to fork over an amount five times his original debt.

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Negative 11%

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Miami Shakedown FAQ

On April 29, 2024, the IMDB rating of Miami Shakedown is 7.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The runtime of Miami Shakedown is 105 minutes.
On April 29, 2024, there were 234 public reaction to Miami Shakedown including like Scarface, non-professional actor, all-star cast, unsavory character, inside look into organized crime.
This original story begins as multi-millionaire Alfred Stein is kept awash in liquor and bimbo as he bets over his head...not with it. He refuses to pay his tab of a million dollars to the criminal casino. He is soon shocked to discover Vivian, his bratty, tennis-playing teen daughter has been kidnapped by a smooth-of-skill but slight-of-bod professional, criminal-for-hire Caroline Horner. Alfred suddenly realizes how much his neglected daughter now means to him and makes a typically shrewd decision attesting to his ability to amass millions, and readily agrees to fork over an amount five times his original debt..
The genre of Miami Shakedown is Action.