Between the Lies
1997-01-01 | Thriller / Drama
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A private detective has an affair with an obsessed client. She then starts putting ideas into his head that his wife is cheating on him with her dance partner hoping he will leave his wife for her. The private detective then thinks that his wife is actually having an affair and starts spying on her and ends up having an affair with his client again thinking it is OK because his wife is cheating on him when she is actually completely innocent.
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Between the Lies FAQ
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Between the Lies is 5.3/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 1.0/10.
The certification of Between the Lies is R.
A private detective has an affair with an obsessed client. She then starts putting ideas into his head that his wife is cheating on him with her dance partner hoping he will leave his wife for her. The private detective then thinks that his wife is actually having an affair and starts spying on her and ends up having an affair with his client again thinking it is OK because his wife is cheating on him when she is actually completely innocent..
The genre of Between the Lies is Thriller,Drama,Mystery.
The casts of Between the Lies are Robert Lewis Stephenson starring as Miles, Melissa Williams starring as Desi, Rafael de la Rosa starring as Victor, Colleen McDermott starring as Iris, Florian Halm starring as , Scarlett Lubowski starring as .
The runtime of Between the Lies is 90 minutes.
The release date of Between the Lies is January 01, 1997.
On October 04, 2024, there were 274 public reaction to Between the Lies including aimed for adults, sluttish character, immoral acting, most thrilling, total waste.
The director of Between the Lies is Tony Smith.