Quatre heures d'Ô Rage
2016-11-06 | Comedy
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O rage, O despair, in Alex's life, who had planned to seduce Sandrine by inviting her to a musical (adapted from "The Cid" by Corneille). But she lets him down four hours before the show. Reselling the tickets is turning out to be a real nuisance, which results in Alex having words with all his friends.
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Quatre heures d'Ô Rage FAQ
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Quatre heures d'Ô Rage is 0.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The genre of Quatre heures d'Ô Rage is Comedy.
The director of Quatre heures d'Ô Rage is Maxime Villalonga.
The runtime of Quatre heures d'Ô Rage is 14 minutes.
O rage, O despair, in Alex's life, who had planned to seduce Sandrine by inviting her to a musical (adapted from "The Cid" by Corneille). But she lets him down four hours before the show. Reselling the tickets is turning out to be a real nuisance, which results in Alex having words with all his friends..
The casts of Quatre heures d'Ô Rage are Alexandre Ruby starring as Alex, Laure Lapeyre starring as Sandrine, Sébastien Gill starring as Edward, Olivier Valverde starring as David.
The release date of Quatre heures d'Ô Rage is November 06, 2016.