Finishing Heaven
2008-06-20 | Documentary
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On its surface, this is a film about a man returning to New York to finish the film he began in 1970, when he was a 22 year old film school hotshot. Along with his former lover and star of the film, they transfer the film, hire an editor, and get to work.
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“ Based On Movieverse ”
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“ Fancy Camera Work ”
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“ Like The Godfather ”
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“ Absolute Master ”
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“ Prosaic ”
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Finishing Heaven FAQ
On October 04, 2024, there were 451 public reaction to Finishing Heaven including based on movieverse, fancy camera work, like The Godfather, absolute master, prosaic.
The production budget of Finishing Heaven was 150,000 USD.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Finishing Heaven is 5.8/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The release date of Finishing Heaven is June 20, 2008.
The director of Finishing Heaven is Mark Mann.
The certification of Finishing Heaven is NR.
The runtime of Finishing Heaven is 74 minutes.
On its surface, this is a film about a man returning to New York to finish the film he began in 1970, when he was a 22 year old film school hotshot. Along with his former lover and star of the film, they transfer the film, hire an editor, and get to work..
The genre of Finishing Heaven is Documentary.
The casts of Finishing Heaven are Robert Feinberg starring as Himself, Ruby Lynn Reyner starring as Herself, Gordon Bressack starring as Himself.