20 Seconds of Courage
2016-04-15 | Drama
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Five boys and girls. Five small courage. Five different stories. But all linked together. From acclaimed director/writer Shunsuke Okubo ("Clocks Tell the Time" and "Moments")
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20 Seconds of Courage FAQ
The genre of 20 Seconds of Courage is Drama.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of 20 Seconds of Courage is 7.9/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 9.0/10.
The runtime of 20 Seconds of Courage is 38 minutes.
The casts of 20 Seconds of Courage are Daniel Jacobs starring as Evan, Kate Carlson starring as Lyla, Sam Maxwell starring as Jack, Elias Baker starring as Charlie, Fiona Carnett starring as Joy.
On October 04, 2024, there were 1449 public reaction to 20 Seconds of Courage including vivid depiction, cathartic, first timer, proof positive, epic scale.
The release date of 20 Seconds of Courage is April 15, 2016.
The director of 20 Seconds of Courage is Shunsuke Okubo.
Five boys and girls. Five small courage. Five different stories. But all linked together. From acclaimed director/writer Shunsuke Okubo ("Clocks Tell the Time" and "Moments").