The Idle Ones
2001-11-02 | Documentary
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The Idle Ones is a profile of contemporary affairs - somewhere on the edge of Europe - in a place where unemployment for some young people is fast becoming a way of life. Covering a period of 18 months, the film follows the activities of a group of young men in their 20s who have finished their schooling and stayed in their home village - they loaf about unemployed since they can´t find any work in the remote district. The main characters are more or less idle young fellows whose stories link together and make up the film. Tinged with humour, The Idle Ones is a story about frustrated but vital young people in a period of transition, waiting for something to happen. For some, the waiting is becoming their life.
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The Idle Ones FAQ
The release date of The Idle Ones is November 02, 2001.
The runtime of The Idle Ones is 78 minutes.
The genre of The Idle Ones is Documentary.
The Idle Ones is a profile of contemporary affairs - somewhere on the edge of Europe - in a place where unemployment for some young people is fast becoming a way of life. Covering a period of 18 months, the film follows the activities of a group of young men in their 20s who have finished their schooling and stayed in their home village - they loaf about unemployed since they can´t find any work in the remote district. The main characters are more or less idle young fellows whose stories link together and make up the film. Tinged with humour, The Idle Ones is a story about frustrated but vital young people in a period of transition, waiting for something to happen. For some, the waiting is becoming their life..
On September 02, 2024, there were 367 public reaction to The Idle Ones including crackhead, post-apocalyptic future, adult-oriented, child-friendly, refreshing break.
On September 02, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Idle Ones is 7.2/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 6.0/10.
The director of The Idle Ones is Susanna Helke.