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Soraida, a Woman of Palestine
2004-07-04 | Documentary
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Soraïda is a Palestinian woman living in Ramallah, in the occupied territories. In this city under siege and a strict curfew, she fights her own battle: despite the military occupation, violence and oppression, she is determined not to lose her humanity.
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a Woman of Palestine <sc>soundtrack<\/sc>
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“ Edited Together ”
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Editing & Writing
“ Clever Editing ”
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Editing & Writing
“ Invasive Voice ”
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Acting & Cast
“ Intermixed Plot ”
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“ Garbling ”
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General Taste
Soraida, a Woman of Palestine FAQ
The genre of Soraida, a Woman of Palestine is Documentary.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Soraida, a Woman of Palestine is 8.1/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The release date of Soraida, a Woman of Palestine is July 04, 2004.
The runtime of Soraida, a Woman of Palestine is 119 minutes.
The full version of Soraida, a Woman of Palestine is provided by
Tubi TV
The director of Soraida, a Woman of Palestine is Tahani Rached.
On October 04, 2024, there were 362 public reaction to Soraida, a Woman of Palestine including edited together, clever editing, invasive voice, intermixed plot, garbling.
Soraïda is a Palestinian woman living in Ramallah, in the occupied territories. In this city under siege and a strict curfew, she fights her own battle: despite the military occupation, violence and oppression, she is determined not to lose her humanity..