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Wharf of Widows

2001-12-01 | Drama
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Based on a well-known novel of the same title by author Duong Huong, “Wharf of Widows” reflects stories in the context of a rural Village called Dong – a typical North Vietnamese village with bamboo ramparts, communal house roofs, banyan trees and wharves. It was a time when the north hurried to build up the countryside and support the southern battlefield. The movie takes us back to the olden days of peaceful northern villages and women waiting for their men to return from the battlefield. The war robbed the village of healthy strong men leaving behind the women who waited at the water’s edge.

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Negative 82%

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Wharf of Widows FAQ

The genre of Wharf of Widows is Drama.
The casts of Wharf of Widows are Như Quỳnh starring as Mrs. Hon, Trong Ninh Luu starring as Mr. Van, Minh Châu starring as Mrs. Nhan.
The director of Wharf of Widows is Trong Ninh Luu, the writer is Trong Van Luu.
On May 13, 2024, there were 254 public reaction to Wharf of Widows including five stars, nebulous, deviating from book, faithful to book, painstaking detail.
Based on a well-known novel of the same title by author Duong Huong, “Wharf of Widows” reflects stories in the context of a rural Village called Dong – a typical North Vietnamese village with bamboo ramparts, communal house roofs, banyan trees and wharves. It was a time when the north hurried to build up the countryside and support the southern battlefield. The movie takes us back to the olden days of peaceful northern villages and women waiting for their men to return from the battlefield. The war robbed the village of healthy strong men leaving behind the women who waited at the water’s edge..
The release date of Wharf of Widows is December 01, 2001.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Wharf of Widows is 7.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.