The Frankenstein Story
1958-01-01 |
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The story is set around Doctor Frankenstein, and his assistant Ygor, the hunchback are finishing the creation of and bring to life the monster. Ygor quickly makes friends with the monster. He instructs the monster to kill Doctor Frankenstein, leaving him for dead. Ygor and monster leave the castle to explore. They meet a teenager, who also becomes friends with the monster. When the teenager makes fun of the hunchback, Ygor has the monster kill him. The pair return to the castle to find Doctor Frankenstein still alive. In the meantime, the brother of the teenage victim enters the castle seeking revenge. He sets the castle on fir, trapping inside the Doctor, Ygor and the monster.
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“ Heinous Acting ”
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“ Non-Professional Cast ”
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“ Most Despicable ”
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“ Made Fool Of Himself ”
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The Frankenstein Story FAQ
The runtime of The Frankenstein Story is 6 minutes.
The story is set around Doctor Frankenstein, and his assistant Ygor, the hunchback are finishing the creation of and bring to life the monster. Ygor quickly makes friends with the monster. He instructs the monster to kill Doctor Frankenstein, leaving him for dead. Ygor and monster leave the castle to explore. They meet a teenager, who also becomes friends with the monster. When the teenager makes fun of the hunchback, Ygor has the monster kill him. The pair return to the castle to find Doctor Frankenstein still alive. In the meantime, the brother of the teenage victim enters the castle seeking revenge. He sets the castle on fir, trapping inside the Doctor, Ygor and the monster..
On October 04, 2024, there were 766 public reaction to The Frankenstein Story including heinous acting, non-professional cast, most despicable, made fool of himself, for Valentine's Day.
The release date of The Frankenstein Story is January 01, 1958.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of The Frankenstein Story is 3.9/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The director of The Frankenstein Story is Donald F. Glut.