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Connect 5

1997-01-01 | Comedy / Horror
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A loverlorn tanning salon employee, a homey grandma and her bad-ass biker tenant, a lame gang, a nosediving intellectual, and a dis-uniting father and son. Connect 5 is the chance for these absurdly real people to risk it all. These five stories are bound together by a roving evil man, who "pushes" them out of the rut of life.

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Connect 5 FAQ

A loverlorn tanning salon employee, a homey grandma and her bad-ass biker tenant, a lame gang, a nosediving intellectual, and a dis-uniting father and son. Connect 5 is the chance for these absurdly real people to risk it all. These five stories are bound together by a roving evil man, who "pushes" them out of the rut of life..
The release date of Connect 5 is January 01, 1997.
The runtime of Connect 5 is 91 minutes.
The revenue of Connect 5 was 13,000 USD.
The genre of Connect 5 is Comedy,Horror.
On June 10, 2024, there were 327 public reaction to Connect 5 including boring and stiff, bored to tears, bored to death, abysmally produced, nearly fell asleep.
On June 10, 2024, the IMDB rating of Connect 5 is 4.8/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 1.0/10.
The director of Connect 5 is Andy Fisher.