Look Who's Laughing
1994-03-13 | Comedy / Documentary
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A funny and compelling documentary about the lives, experiences and humor of six working comedians who have various types of disabilities. Shot at comedy clubs across the country Look Who's Laughing spotlights some of the most talented and truly funny comics working today.
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“ Not Shying Away ”
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“ Watching Thrice ”
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Look Who's Laughing FAQ
The runtime of Look Who's Laughing is 56 minutes.
A funny and compelling documentary about the lives, experiences and humor of six working comedians who have various types of disabilities. Shot at comedy clubs across the country Look Who's Laughing spotlights some of the most talented and truly funny comics working today..
The genre of Look Who's Laughing is Comedy,Documentary,TV Movie.
The director of Look Who's Laughing is Sal Baldomar.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Look Who's Laughing is 8.3/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The casts of Look Who's Laughing are Kathy Buckley starring as Herself, Geri Jewell starring as Herself, Alex Valdez starring as Himself, J.D. England starring as Himself, Chris Fonseca starring as Himself, Rick Rockwell starring as Himself.
The release date of Look Who's Laughing is March 13, 1994.
The certification of Look Who's Laughing is R.
On October 04, 2024, there were 298 public reaction to Look Who's Laughing including not shying away, Art Deco, raucous, watching thrice, roughly cut.