2007-02-28 | Thriller / Horror
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A hillbilly giant and the local preacher exorcise their ritual of dark cleansing by locking you up inside an ancient box forcing you to face your inner demons. But when a 10 year old boy is locked up inside, his darkest fears sets loose an inferno of relentless evil.
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“ Badly Put Together ”
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“ Disjointed Mess ”
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“ Absolutely No Sense Whatsoever ”
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“ Endurance Test ”
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“ Poor Editing ”
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DarkPlace FAQ
The full version of DarkPlace is provided by
Tubi TV
The runtime of DarkPlace is 94 minutes.
On October 04, 2024, there were 1037 public reaction to DarkPlace including badly put together, disjointed mess, absolutely no sense whatsoever, endurance test, poor editing.
A hillbilly giant and the local preacher exorcise their ritual of dark cleansing by locking you up inside an ancient box forcing you to face your inner demons. But when a 10 year old boy is locked up inside, his darkest fears sets loose an inferno of relentless evil..
The casts of DarkPlace are Katherine Boecher starring as Ginny May (as Pippi), Timothy Lee DePriest starring as Ian, Matthew McGrory starring as Hort Willows, Benjamin Bryan starring as Young Ian, Lisa Dalton starring as Ma Williows, Dougald Park starring as Dr. Virgil Nichols.
The release date of DarkPlace is February 28, 2007.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of DarkPlace is 2.9/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 4.0/10.
The director of DarkPlace is Philip Adrian Booth.
The genre of DarkPlace is Thriller,Horror.
The production budget of DarkPlace was 2,000,000 USD.