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Wooden Chair

2019-05-15 | Drama
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Wooden Chair is narrated by a third person omniscient. He tells the story of two orphaned siblings and their journey to overcoming poverty. Judy Ann, 10 years old, and John Lloyd, 7 years old, were named by their mother after her favorite actress and actor. To provide for the two of them, Judy Ann no longer goes to school but instead, sells root crops that she plants in their small backyard, and fruits and vegetables that she picks up from the floor of the public market. To cope with feelings of abandonment, Judy Ann talks to their imaginary mother who guides and encourages her.

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Negative 63%

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Wooden Chair FAQ

The casts of Wooden Chair are Angelu de Leon starring as , Haidar Pallado starring as , Jhie Ane Guinoo starring as , Joanna Marie Katanyang starring as , Lou Veloso starring as .
The release date of Wooden Chair is May 15, 2019.
On May 13, 2024, the IMDB rating of Wooden Chair is 0.0/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The runtime of Wooden Chair is 90 minutes.
Wooden Chair is narrated by a third person omniscient. He tells the story of two orphaned siblings and their journey to overcoming poverty. Judy Ann, 10 years old, and John Lloyd, 7 years old, were named by their mother after her favorite actress and actor. To provide for the two of them, Judy Ann no longer goes to school but instead, sells root crops that she plants in their small backyard, and fruits and vegetables that she picks up from the floor of the public market. To cope with feelings of abandonment, Judy Ann talks to their imaginary mother who guides and encourages her..
The genre of Wooden Chair is Drama.
On May 13, 2024, there were 245 public reaction to Wooden Chair including leaving imprint, salt of the earth, unfaithful partner, heart touching, law abiding character.