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American Fame Pt. 2: Forgetting Jonathan Brandis

2005-01-20 |
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Cam Archer revisits the life of child actor Jonathan Brandis who committed suicide in 2003. Lydia Lunch narrates this meditation on fame, the actor’s pressure to remain in the public eye and the surreal events in the lead up to his unexplained death.

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American Fame Pt. 2: Forgetting Jonathan Brandis FAQ

The runtime of American Fame Pt. 2: Forgetting Jonathan Brandis is 15 minutes.
The director of American Fame Pt. 2: Forgetting Jonathan Brandis is Cam Archer.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of American Fame Pt. 2: Forgetting Jonathan Brandis is 2.7/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.
The release date of American Fame Pt. 2: Forgetting Jonathan Brandis is January 20, 2005.
Cam Archer revisits the life of child actor Jonathan Brandis who committed suicide in 2003. Lydia Lunch narrates this meditation on fame, the actor’s pressure to remain in the public eye and the surreal events in the lead up to his unexplained death..
The casts of American Fame Pt. 2: Forgetting Jonathan Brandis are Lydia Lunch starring as Narrator, Lisa Hadley starring as Mother.