Tuulinen päivä
1962-11-09 | Drama
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The strange, disjointed love story in the existentialist film Windy Day transported the young lovers to an island off the town of Kotka.
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“ Stiff And Wooden Acting ”
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Tuulinen päivä FAQ
The director of Tuulinen päivä is Eino Ruutsalo.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Tuulinen päivä is 5.1/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 4.0/10.
The runtime of Tuulinen päivä is 75 minutes.
The genre of Tuulinen päivä is Drama.
On October 04, 2024, there were 948 public reaction to Tuulinen päivä including stiff acting, impressionistic, altered state, stunning visual, stiff and wooden acting.
The casts of Tuulinen päivä are Raili Metsä starring as Kirsi, Yrjö Tähtelä starring as Matti Kivekäs, Unto Salminen starring as Old man, Herman Schaibel starring as Jakob, Soili Poutiainen starring as Girl, Juhani Juustinen starring as Young man.
The strange, disjointed love story in the existentialist film Windy Day transported the young lovers to an island off the town of Kotka..
The release date of Tuulinen päivä is November 09, 1962.