2002-11-13 |
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A man tells his story of how little things can have a big impact. One night, he's working late at a dry cleaners when a woman and her son come to pick up their cleaning. He lets them in; the boy has a baseball glove and sits looking sad while his mother gets her clothes for a flight she says she's taking the next day to L.A. They leave and the clerk sees that the boy has forgotten his glove. In the morning, he decides to take the subway to return it to the boy. What's the tenth?
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Ranked #24575
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“ Cathartic ”
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“ Late In Game ”
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Tenth FAQ
A man tells his story of how little things can have a big impact. One night, he's working late at a dry cleaners when a woman and her son come to pick up their cleaning. He lets them in; the boy has a baseball glove and sits looking sad while his mother gets her clothes for a flight she says she's taking the next day to L.A. They leave and the clerk sees that the boy has forgotten his glove. In the morning, he decides to take the subway to return it to the boy. What's the tenth?.
On October 04, 2024, there were 341 public reaction to Tenth including cathartic, gut-punch, draining, prosaic, late in game.
The director of Tenth is Matt Kovalakides.
The release date of Tenth is November 13, 2002.
On October 04, 2024, the IMDB rating of Tenth is 6.8/10, Rotten Tomato rating is 0/100, Metacritic rating is 0/100, TMDB rating is 0.0/10.